Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Color Scheme

 Double Comp.
 Split Comp.

After reading the book "If I Stay" by Gayle Forman I chose to do my watercolors over a string instruments. The main character in the book plays the cello and reading the this book reminded me of how much I like the sound of music, with our without vocals. Instrumental music has a way of bringing out your emotions and the sound of a string instrument being played beautifully has a way of leaving a powerful impression.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Personal Responsibility

My name is Lee Adams, and I’m an Arts Major. I reason I’m in school is to learn more about the things that interest me. When I graduate with my degree I was to get a job doing what I love so I’ll never get bored or dislike my job. Through art I hope to expand my imagination and become more creative. Graduating and becoming a strong self-employed women where I am my own boss is what I want the most so I have control over the things I choose to do with my life and the path I take to get there. Becoming a freelance artist is what I’m striving to be at the moment and letter on my goals will change.
I’m not in any serious relationships at the moment because my education comes first. The group of people that I call friends but they’re reliable. Having people who can motivate you in a positive way helps with both physical and mental health. Being able to live with family while in college is a gig help with the level stress you have to go through college finances. Although the stress if defiantly there the level is significantly lower than living on you own and pervading for yourself.
In two years I expect to graduate, but in one ear I will be able to buy my own alcohol. By the end of the year I will have another job and by the end of summer I would be closer to completing my degree. Next I will be out of school and relaxing and by the end of today I won’t be bothered by school work of another two weeks, but this morning I will take things as they come to be. The only thing that’s in my way when it comes to reaching my goals is myself and no one or nothing else.
I sleep no less than three hours a day and I eat whenever I feel like. I don’t have time to take vacations, spending money without a purpose and I don’t like talking on the phone for no reason. I watch television whenever I feel the need to and I turn the radio on when I drive from place to place. In school I try to get through the day and my school is my work so I always do my best. I stay clean by showering every day and keeping up on my personal hygiene. I get to spend as much time as I want to with my family and friends and physical sports is our favorite pastime. The majority of my time is on the computer doing homework. Reading books are not fun and hopefully I won’t need to do too much of it in the future.    
My goal is to be my own boss working as an artist. The only things stopping me from reaching my goal is my own weaknesses. A major weakness is laziness. The best way to overcome that obstacle is to force myself out of my own comfort zone. The second thing I need to do is obtain my degree and the third and final thing will be find my own place in this world. After I am able to do these three things then the only thing that will be keeping me down will gravity itself. The best way to start my new way of living is at the beginning of every new day.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Eye's View

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and when I look at these eyes I see a pair of eyes that could not help but to see beauty in all things

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pointillism Examples

Pointillism Piece "Taking Your Mind Elsewhere"

This piece is simlpy to take ypur mind elsewhere then where it is now. I had a challenging time comming up with is design of dots. It originally started off as an apple and became something completely different. What was originally the bottom of the apple is now the tops of the mouse's head where the ears come out at and the apple itself was transformed into a face. The piece essentually is what I want it to be for you, "taking your mind elsewhere from where it is now"

Color Terminology

Color Terminology

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Medical Ethics

This is about a woman who was used at a test subject without consent from her or her family. Although the work done on her has saved many lives it has also maid a lot of money for certain individuals but non of Henryetta Lacks' family has seen the rewards of any of it. 


